Are you unhappy with your life?
All of us during our lives go through a series of events that can make our life easy or greatly challenging.
If life is easy, no problem.
If life is difficult, then we need a series of tools to overcome those difficulties, or at least, use the tools to survive the difficulties.
These difficulties or life challenges could be in different areas of our life, most are spiritual, emotional and physical.
Depending on how we were raised as a child, will be the tools that were setup on our internal strengths. Most of us were not given most needed spiritual and emotional tools to overcome life challenges, and then, we have to build and/or get those strengths and tools to lead a successful life.
These tools could be found in school, a friend, church, health professionals, books, movies, dvd's, trainings, seminars, and in the internet.
Behavior modification, meditation, prayers, excersize, walking, mind development trainings, spiritual growth retreats, new era material, psychology, and many other related methods can be used to improve your life.
Depending on how deeply are your difficulties, will be how these methods will work for you. Sometimes the only solution is learning to live with whatever your difficulty is. Fighting against something that can't be changed is making things worst.
For example: you can modify some of your behaviors, you can learn a trade, you can find peace in a spiritual retreat, you can heal a cut, you can learn public speaking. But you can't cure a terminal illness, return a lost loved one, you can mourn that person, and learn to live with the memories, if you don't have a finger, you can't grow another one, you can use a prosthesis.
Living in reality is very important to overcome depressions, emotional suffering and spiritual needs. Having a strong hold of your God, however you belief. Believe in having the strength to withstand impossibles and to change the possibles.
Being with people that have similar conditions and that are positive and constructive is very important. Support groups and supportive family members and friends is a great way to satisfy your spiritual, emotional, and physical needs.
Practicing some kind of sports, but not the competition type, if you are not an athlete. Yoga, relaxation excercizes, deep breathing, eating healthy foods, volunteer work, reading inspirational material, viewing constructive movies and videos, will greatly improve your mood.
It isn't necessarily easy, but it can be done.
All these are greatly needed especially at these great crisis times that we are living all around the world.
If there isn't a group around where you live, you can form one on your own. You can learn how to do it doing a search online. Or you can join an online support group.
Your national Red/Crescent Cross.
Community Center
Local public and private schools
Government agencies
Non-profit organizations
Many others....
Your friend,
Happiness could be the capacity to keep going even with adversities.